SEJONG Telecom is innovatively utilizing blockchain technology across various industries, leading the way into the future, creating new value, and driving positive changes in industrial ecosystems.

- BlueBrick
- 'BlueBrick' is a service-oriented blockchain platform (BaaS) based on open-source technologies such as Ethereum and Hyperledger.
- Even without proprietary technology, businesses can adopt blockchain technology into their existing operations at a reasonable cost in a short period.
Real Estate
- Real Estate
- Development of the first domestic blockchain-based STO (Security Token Offering) solution
Medical Data
- Medical Data
- Secure storage of medical data on blockchain and guarantee of ownership through NFT issuance
Academic Information
- Academic Information
- Prevention of data tampering and assurance of reliability
Educational Content
- Educational Content
- Ownership and intellectual property rights verification of lecture materials based on NFT
Medical Imaging
- Medical Imaging
- Ensuring the security of medical data through NFT issuance
- Ethereum
- With a multi-sidechain structure, infinite parallel additions are possible, and its decentralized architecture is effective for configuring blockchains tailored to service characteristics.
- Hyperledger
- Provides development toolkits and monitoring tools, enabling easier and more convenient establishment and management of enterprise blockchain networks.