Construction of a new Iraq town, construction of Mongolia's international airport, Equatorial Guinea Government Corporation Mongolia Corporation and Indonesia's own company
Representative Achievements
- Iraq Bismayah New City Project
- PC Plant Communications Construction

- Iraq Bismayah New City Project
- Government Guest house Electrical Works

- Iraq Bismayah New City Project
- 11KV T/L and S/S Electrical Works

- Iraq Bismayah New City Project
- Wiremesh Plant - Sewage Treatment Plan

- BATA International Airport Project
- BATA International Airport Project

- Mongolia New Ulaanbaatar International Airport Project
- General Electrical Works

- Mongolia New Ulaanbaatar International Airport Project
- Aeronautical Ground Lighting System Works

- Kurdistan Region Package 2
- Water Supply Improvement Project in Kurdistan Region Package 2

- Equatorial Guinea Project
- Mongomo City Hall and Plaza

- Equatorial Guinea Project
- President Memorial Hall and Repair Works